A wonderful friend made me a mask (two really, one to wash and one to wear). I took apart an HVAC allergen filter, cut it to fit, and placed two… Read more Be careful out there →

The film industry started to shut down on March 12th, and for the week prior, while my husband was on set I was climbing up and down ladders, doing a… Read more Coronavirus distance from DTLA →

Sorry I’ve been gone so long. I wanted to check in and wake up the blog to send out some good wishes. A friend said something funny to me the… Read more Hello dear, how are you? →

vultr上面搭建梯子提示创建成功,但是手机电脑运行不了(已解决) | ...:2021年9月18日 - Otar's Blog 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也 ...vultr上面搭建梯子提示创建成功,但是手机电脑运行不了...~5 分钟即可安装完成,完成后保存SS信息,就能使...
This is the wonderful Lucille Ball broadcasting from CBS about 80 years ago. Much more recently (okay, okay, on Christmas Eve) I recorded a short story all about a Hollywood… Read more Notebook : 美貌与智慧并重,这款笔记 App 值得你一用 ...:2021-7-7 · 现在手机平台上的记录 app 种类繁多,但尝试过的人都知道,在小小的屏幕上做记录实在不是一件十分舒适的事。 但 AppSo(微信号 appsolution)今天 ... →

Happy Eve, sugar-plums!
If you visit here (the website, not the downtown location where this picture was taken) on Christmas Day you can hear a short story which turned into a not-so-short half… Read more Happy Eve, sugar-plums! →

Home for the holidays
Somehow our Christmas prep involved me saving a coffee table from the trash heap. Shown here with our delightful spokesmodel, The Mister. A friend of ours had bought it from… Read more Home for the holidays →

First, my friend in New York sent me the letter below in reference to my griping about the sound of my voice in the previous post, next I got a… Read more Feeling buoyant →

Waiting for the Muse to Skype
Lily harbored a den of coyotes in her back yard. They went about their nocturnal haunts stealthy-like, unless they were circling to prey and then they raised all hell. Yelps… Read more Waiting for the Muse to Skype →